TRULY DESIGN Crew's profileTRULY DESIGN's profile


Surface Design

Once again, we're here to amaze you!

We accepted a new challenge from Fondazione per l'Architettura / TorinoIED Torino and ARTECO for the 2017 edition of Architettura in Città, the city's architecture festival.

We spent a wonderful week holding a workshop with twenty students ranging from middle school to university, teaching them how to approach new perspectives through anamorphic painting.
The youngsters learned so quickly that we couldn't keep up!

Of course we couldn't say no to a couple of slam dunks... ;)

Truly ’s artwork arises from the encounter between its four founders, who meet in the late 90’s amid train yards, abandoned factories and suburbs, experimenting at first with graffiti. A passion and a commitment which culminate in a common street art project started in 2003. The four artists ’ combined attitudes shape an artistic project which leads them to stand out amid the international urban art panorama: the use of perspective and anamorphic painting, which generates visionary 3D images, outstanding optical illusions which merge with the surrounding architecture.

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Once again, we're here to amaze you! We accepted a new challenge from Fondazione per l'Architettura / Torino, IED Torino and ARTECO for the 2017 Read More
